965 51 43 00 - Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, 3, 03788 Alcalá de la Jovada valldealcala@hotmail.com

Baked Rice

Baked Rice


  • 1.5 liters of cooked broth
  • 200 gr. Chopped pork rib
  • 500 gr. of rice
  • 250 gr of cooked chickpeas.
  • 2 split ripe tomatoes
  • 3 potatoes, sliced
  • 4 onion sausages
  • 100 gr. Pork bacon
  • 1 head of garlic
  • Saffron or yellow food coloring
  • Salt

  • Set the oven to warm up.
  • In the earthenware pan, on the fire of the kitchen, to taste the head of garlic, the ribs and the bacon.
  • Once browned, add the rice and chickpeas, which will also be slightly tender.
  • Finally add potatoes, cut into thick slices, and black pudding. Suffering.
  • Add cooked broth, boiling, and saffron or coloring.
  • Put the pan in the oven and lower the oven temperature to 180-200 degrees.
  • Leave to cook for 40 minutes
  • Once cooked, remove the casserole from the oven and let stand the dish for 5 minutes.

Blat Picat

Blat Picat


  • Half a kilo of wheat.
  • 250 grams of chickpeas.
  • 250 grams of cabbage.
  • 1 ham bone.
  •  1 foot of pork.
  • 1 onion.
  •  1 tomato.
  • 1 thistle.
  •  2 turnips.
  • 1/2 dl of oil.
  • Saffron
  • Salt.

  • Chickpeas have to be soaked from the night before.
  • Soak the wheat and drain well afterwards. Chop it, with a little added salt, with the aid of a mortar until we see that the outer layer is released. Remove by blowing skins and wash under tap water.
  • Wash well the pork, cabbage, thistle, turnips and tomato.
  • Chop the thistle and turnips into pieces. 5.Pick the tomato and the onion previously peeled.
  • To put in a cauldron a liter of water and to cook there the chickpeas already drained and the wheat clean.
  • Sauté the onion in a separate skillet. When we see that it is browning, add the tomato and continue with the cooking to medium fire.
  • When foam appears in the cauldron of chickpeas, add the onion and tomato sofrito, ham bone, pork pie, thistle, turnips and chopped cabbage. Try salt and add a little saffron.
  • Leave to low heat and stir from time to time, if possible with a wooden spoon so the chickpeas are not hard.
  • Once the chickpeas are ready, add a little more water if necessary, and leave the fire until it is observed that the wheat is opening. It should not remain dry or salty, but rather thick and may be on fire for several hours.
  • Serve hot hot.




  • Tomato
  • Eggplant
  • Pepper
  • Onion
  • Olive oil
  • Cod
  • Garlic
  • Salt

  • Bake the vegetables in the oven. Once roasted, the skin is removed from all of them and chopped to taste (small pieces or strips).
  • They are all put together in a fountain and the sliced cod is added.
  • Then sprinkle everything generously with olive oil and garlic cut into thin sheets.
  • Check the salt point.